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Written by Liam Bai who lives and works in Boston trying to build useful things. He's on LinkedIn and Twitter.

  1. November 04, 2023

    Predicting protein function using deep generative models. Latent variable models, reconstruction, variational autoencoders (VAEs), Bayesian inference, evidence lower bound (ELBO).

  2. October 09, 2023

    Protein design by hallucination. DeepDream, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), KL divergence, gradient optimization, scaffolding functional sites, SARS-CoV-2 receptor traps.

  3. September 29, 2023

    Learning protein representations. Transfer learning, protein language models, contextual embeddings, Transformers, masked language modeling, BERT, UniRep, ESM, attention analysis.

  4. September 12, 2023

    Predicting protein structure and function. Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSAs), the protein folding problem, the Potts model, Direct Coupling Analysis (DCA), EVCouplings.